
Churchyard Working Party Monday 28th February 10am & Village Events

From Heather:
Help needed! Churchyard Working Party 10am Monday 28th February.
We just have time to complete this year’s improvements to the biodiversity in the churchyard, before the birds start nesting. Monday morning may be unusual, but there is so much happening in our community, the options narrow. Please come and lend a hand, and admire the results of previous working parties.
We need to remove more of the excess growth around the old lime trees, and make a start on the blackberry thickets on the north side. Martin S will cut the tree stems with his chain saw; we need people to remove the debris and stack it for burning, and more people with loppers to chop off blackberry stems and prepare them for burning. Bring strong gloves, loppers, secateurs, maybe a rake.
And reminders of other village events this weekend:-
3pm Saturday 26th Feb, St James bellringers welcome visiting ringers from Marston for an extra practice.
10am Sunday 27th Feb. bellringing for service 10.30am
10.30am Sunday 27th Feb. Village Litter Blitz, meet at Margery Cross. The churchyard needs a litter pick, too.
Good to know this community cares about its environment, hope to see you somewhere….
Heather Horner
Windrush Cottage

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