
Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 29th  May 2024

Minutes Uploaded on May 30, 2024

Parish of South Leigh & High Cogges

Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 29th  May 2024

7.30pm Village Hall



LN (Acting Chair)




Apologies Rita Sawrey – Woodwards

Incoming Councillors present  – Caroline Gane and Caroline Auger

Also present Liz and John Ashwell

  1. Welcome by Acting Parish Council Chair
  2. Present/Apologies for absence – see above
  3. Parish Council Report – Chair’s Annual Statement. LN read out the text which is also on Village Website
  4. Reports from sub-committees and committees – all on the village website – any issues raised in them will be agenda items on PC agendas in the future –

Village Hall

Playground Association

Forest Restoration Group

Football Club

  1. There were no matters raised by members of the parish.

30th May 2024