
PC agenda 11th July 2022

Agendas Uploaded on June 30, 2022


11th July 2022 19.30 in the Village Hall


The public are welcome to join the meeting. Please would any member of the public who would like to speak contact Nicky Brooks in advance by email


Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend a meeting on at 19.30 on 11th July 2022.



1. Apologies.

2. Declarations of interest.

3. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings

4. Constitutional matters – appointment of new councillor, annual parish meeting and new code of conduct

5. Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern.

6. Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern.

7. Report on the liaison between the Parish and the Parishes of StantonHarcourt, Sutton, Standlake and Eynsham PC

8. Jubilee booklet

9.Payments to approve. Refund Ken Brooks for payment for clerk expenses £30

10. Butterfly count

11. Generator

12. A40 dual carriageway planning application – update

13. Shores Green planning application

14.Traffic calming – update

15. Thames Water/Storm Overflow (EA) – progress report.

16. Responses to any planning matters – April Cottage/Homans Farm/Lindsey Farm

17 Liaison with Eynsham Estate over various matters

18. Emergency Plan

19. Mobile signal

20. Date of next meeting

21. AOB