Present were:
Nicky Brooks (Chair)
Lyse7e Nicholls (Vice Chair)
Graham Soame (Parish Councillor)
Rita Sawrey-Woodwards (Parish Councillor) Dick Pears (Parish Councillor)
David Auger (Parish Councillor)
Tammy Heavens (Clerk)
The meeHng was held at the South Leigh Village hall and via ZOOM. Eight members of the public joined.
- Reports and Annual Accounts from South Leigh Parish Council and its sub- commi7ees were presented. All reports are available here. A quesHon was asked about the heaHng bill for the Village Hall… it was explained that although the Village Hall hasn’t been used, the heaHng must be kept running in order to keep on top of the damp.
- Defibrillator – The Parish Council have taken over looking aZer the defibrillator and making sure it’s in working order. Each ba7ery has a 4-year life and the current ba7ery is 2 years old. A ‘how to use guide’ is to be put together for the village newsle7er and another training session organised.
- Review of the Neighbourhood Plan. The plan can be found here. It was agreed that it is sHll fit for purpose.
- Chairman’s Report – this can be read here.
- QuesHons from parishioners.
- a) Does our neighbourhood plan help in any way resolve some of the issues with
Shores Green / Barnard Gate planned works? Just having it means it must be
referenced against and referred to.
- b) If we become a conservaHon area will this help protect us from the Shores
Green /Barnard Gate planned works? It was felt that it could although wasn’t in place as yet.
- a) Does our neighbourhood plan help in any way resolve some of the issues with
- Any other business.
- a) Thank you to our deparHng Parish Councillors Mark Walker, MarHn Wilson and
Eileen Mawle for their dedicaHon to the village over the years, and a warm welcome to our newly appointed Parish Councillors Rita Sawrey-Woodwards, David Auger and Dick Pears
- b) Tammy Heavens, the Parish Clerk, will be stepping down from the role at the end of June. You will sHll see Tammy volunteering and keeping us up-to-date with GDPR.
The meeHng closed at 20.05
- a) Thank you to our deparHng Parish Councillors Mark Walker, MarHn Wilson and