Thursday 29th August 2024, 7:30pm in the Village Hall
Councillors Present:
Lysette Nicholls (Chair) (LN) Dick Pears (Deputy Chair) (DP) Peter Grant (PG)
Caroline Auger (CA)
Jacqui Napier-Munn (JNM) David Auger (Clerk) (DA)
Caroline Gane (CG) MINUTES
- Apologies and Councillors and others present. Introduction to the conduct of meeting – Caroline Gane; no apologies received from the District Councillors (Andy Goodwin & Carl Rylett) or County Councillor (Dan Levy) or reports received.
- Declarations of Interest – none
- To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors
- Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern. This will not normally be minuted fully but issues that are raised and which the PC consider need to be looked at will be noted in the minutes and appear on next agenda. This is the only part of the meeting where members of the public are permitted to speak which will be limited in time and the Chair will determine how long each member of the public may speak for and each person shall not exceed three minutes. – welcome pack for new residents; electrical condition report (JNM); ICE centre to help with Christmas bus shelter; amended grant application for tree planting by Martin S Forest restoration group; Jan (1 lymbrook cottages) concerned about traffic calming outside her property entrance (PC and OCC meeting 4th September with Parish Council and will be discussed again)
- Politician report – no communication received or apologies
- Payments to approve – Playsafe Ltd, Lymbrook Close play area inspection – £108 (incl. VAT); £100 Peter McCulloch; £70 Peter McCulloch (grass); £250 David Abbott Grass Cutting; Newsletter £213.90 Balances £14,067.62 and £5,443.55
- Updates and reports and or info
- (1) Traffic Calming – meeting to be held on 04/09/2024 LN and CA with OCC; design of speed warning signs to be decided when info on options received
- (2) Shore’s Green – DP to raise issue of contractors parking in High Cogges road to ensure no parking – 7.5T temporary weight limit to be imposed for duration of works. Specifically raised issue of resurfacing Station Road when traffic calming is installed, OCC turned this down due to lack of funds. The PC had been consulted on the relevant conditions, made representations when relevant and now as it was believed that the conditions were met, they were being removed.
- (3) Thames Water – DP met CEO Chris Weston, work still be done but was now in TW latest 5- year programme.
- (4) Conservation Area – meeting Gary N and Martin S with Tara; further meeting in Oct; NPPF being amended to remove local character as being a matter that can be considered as well as other fundamental changes
- (5) Flooding – grant application received for flooding survey quote from Aegaea; Martin C thanked for work done clearing the Lym Brook two weekends running; High Cogges flooding issue now in hands of residents.
- (6) Village Security Plans – JNM meeting with Jackie, no issue with residents having cameras, wired and recording systems seem to be preferred option in other communities; PC have to have GDPR and data protection policies; other villages have said that it has been a great deterrent, units are £80 instead of £160; JNM can get them fitted for free, freestanding camera option for bus shelter. GDPR and CCTV info to be sent to Village Hall committee and church for approval then return to PC for actioning.
- (7) Hearing loop for Village Hall – Village Hall Committee prefer fixed loop option, quotations to be obtained and forwarded to PC.
- (8) Playground – LN and CG to arrange meeting with Karen W.
- (9) Local Plan – Important PC respond when consultation issued to state our case; consultation likely to be short. Local plan housing has not been met so anything could be on the table as far as development is concerned
(10) Twelve Acre Farm Solar Farm – still no news, connection has been done but not registered, concerns about the screening planting has not been done to required standard.
(11) CILS consultation – Community Infrastructure Levy – LN to respond on behalf of the Parish before the closing date 27th September.
- Review of actions or discussions from last meeting – Fly tipping notices – best signs say “Fly tipping will be prosecuted” – passing places used for parking to walk dogs.
- OALC Membership 2025/6 – £180 + VAT proposed JNM, seconded CA, passed
- Planning applications – conditions etc to Shores Green construction – covered above; Field House appeal still pending
- Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern – no County or District Councillors present, no reports received.
- Date of next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 26th September 7:30pm – DP apologies
- Points of information – shuttles cottage; WODC enforcement have been in contact with owner concerning access and they will be picking up with planning.