
PC Minutes 25th April 2024

Minutes Uploaded on May 20, 2024




25th April 2024

7.30 pm in the Village Hall

Councillors Present

Lysette Nicholls (Deputy Chair – chairing the meeting)(LN)

Peter Grant (PG)

David Auger (DA)

Dick Pears (DP)

Also present – Caroline Auger, Jacqui Thornton and Caroline Gane who will succeed Nicky Brooks, Rita Sawrey-Woodwards and David Auger as parish councillors consequent upon their unopposed election


1. Introduction of new councillors – see above. Rita Sawrey-Woodwards (R S-W) sent apologies. Dan Levy sent his apologies – there were no apologies from Cllr Goodwin or Cllr Rylett although they were sent the agenda.


Introduction to the conduct of meeting

2. There were no declarations of Interest.
3. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors the minutes were approved unanimously
4. Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern. This will not normally be minuted fully –

Caroline Gane indicated that workmen had been observed marking potholes – some in red and perhaps that meant that repairs were in hand


5. PC Business – It was agreed that the new banking arrangement discussion should await the formal introduction of the new councillors at the next meeting and whilst the current bank accounts were with Barclays – it was not easy to add new signatories and apparently it was even harder to remove them even if the signatories  were dead so alternative banking provision would be investigated. It was felt that although there were two current authorised signatories there should be three.

It is noted that the current balance of two PC accounts was  £11,779.58 + £5423.27.

A schedule of payments made had been circulated in advance of the meeting and these payments set out below were unanimously approved. The large receipt from West Oxfordshire was a payment of precept monies

Thu, 18 Apr 24




Mon, 15 Apr 24




Thu, 11 Apr 24




Thu, 11 Apr 24







6. Review of actions or discussions from last meeting – Flooding –


LN updated the position about the flooding in High Cogges and said the further photographic survey would take place shortly.

In relation to the flooding by the pub – a helpful sketch plan had been done by Martin Collett showing drains and culverts and that had been scanned and emailed so that it could be distributed where appropriate

It was agreed that should be sent to Dan Levy with an email suggesting a meeting to try and get landowners, WODC and OCC working together with work carried out before next autumn

Martin Spurrier had on behalf of the PC applied to Flood Management Oxfordshire – for a grant to fund a professional flood mitigation survey that will provide the Parish Council with the foundation on which a future mitigation strategy and action plan can be assembled and implemented.


The issue about the newsletter article had been resolved.


Thames Water had been sent a holding letter and DP would report if he had had any luck with head of Environment Agency (EA) but LN in her role as District Councillors detailed the problems she had had with the EA after a diesel spillage


Fly tipping notices – there was no further information on this and LN would remind Nicky Brooks but it was pointed out that there were mattresses disposed on the Barnard Gate Road


Vodaphone survey – DP has sent an email chasing Vodaphone to find out whether the survey was progressing.


Meeting with Thames Valley police has taken place – a report had been circulated and it was felt that this was a matter that should be considered when the new council was in place.


In relation to funding of conservation area application – it was recorded that OALC thought it was appropriate for windfall money from Low Carbon to be spent on conservation area application and a letter had been sent to Low Carbon asking for their concurrence and they had indicated on the telephone on 24th April that it was content with that but the PC would get that confirmed in writing.


DP indicated that in the letter and in the telephone call he had asked whether the farm was commissioned and was told that it was not but was imminent and he raised the issue of the delay in planting and whether further payments might be made; both issues will be revisited with Low Carbon who have sold the site to Schroder Greencoat


Dix Pit – see below under planning

7. Discussion and decision how Windrush Infrastructure Neighbourhood Group (Wing) and neighbourhood plan revision will be handled –  LN summarised that 12 parish councils were liaising over the plan to build 1400 houses,

It was agreed that as Nicky Brooks and Ken Brooks had been involved with that group and had been attending meetings they should continue to do so with them reporting to the PC


Similarly with this stage of the Neighbourhood Plan the considerable expertise of Ken Brooks should be utilised and he should continue to direct that – again subject to reports as and when.


8. 12 Acre Farm Solar Farm – community money  – see above, the letter having been sent to Low Carbon and DP having spoken to James Hartley-Booth on 24th April, the PC will continue to be in touch with Low Carbon
9. Meetings with Parliamentary Candidates with discussion about what issues need to be raised with them and format of meeting – now Labour candidate chosen – it was agreed that DP organise informal meetings between the candidates and members of PC just to establish contact at this stage. However when the election is called and manifestos are available the PC can seek their views on various issues


10. Traffic Calming consultation – PCs urged to encourage participation as it ends 3rd May – concern voiced by one villager at the position of one element of the scheme outside listed buildings on Chapel Road. OCC had in a meeting on 24th April agreed that they would speed up the analysis of the consultation and a meeting had been organised with OCC on 22nd May as a consequence. At the meeting on 24th April which covered issues wider than traffic calming OCC indicated that they had had regard to the PC’s concern about signage off the A40 and put forward proposals which seemed pragmatic and assured us that if the traffic calming consultation was positive, the work on it would have been completed before construction on Shore’s Green was commenced in autumn/winter 2024


11. Result of meeting in the village with representative of Thames Valley Police – a report from Nick Morley of Thames Valley police had been circulated and it was felt that as there were a number of different suggestions it was something that should be discussed once new council was in position
12. Update on conservation area application – the PC through the working group were continuing to press WODC to progress the application expeditiously.


13. Tree planting on OCC land – OCC had orally indicated that there was no objection to trees being planted on  their land but one of the issues was where Gigaclear had their wires and Martin Spurrier wanted  to produce clear plans to ensure that trees were not going to be planted which would interfere with services
14. Succession planning and Parish Council Elections – DP along with the other PC felt the need to stress the need for people to step forward as a number of vital people in the village were aging and might not to continue to serve. There had been no succession planning to provide for NB’s precipitate departure. One nearby local parish had found itself with insufficient councillors so that there needed to be a further election and there was a risk that WODC would have to step in and be in control of all that parish’s assets. It was a matter of self interest that the parish was able to defend itself from third party applications and decisions of local government and to do that there had to be effective parish bodies. The PC would for the next couple of years be urging people to volunteer
15. Planning applications – Dix Pit Oxfordshire County Council had given notice  that FCC Environment, is applying to Oxfordshire County Council for planning permission: Section 73 application to continue development approved under 13/1062/P/CM (MW.0097/13) (Proposed development and operation of a Waste Transfer Station including ancillary development) without complying with conditions 1 and 5, to extend the end date of the existing Waste Transfer Facility from 31st March 2029 to 31st March 2050 and restoration from 31st December 2030 to 31st December 2051 at Dix Pit Waste Transfer Station, Dix Pit Quarry and Landfill Site/ Former Con Bloc Works, Linch Hill, Stanton Harcourt, OX29 5BB.


Land and Houses on Oxford Hill – appeal to the inspector relating to application 20/02654/OUT),  the PC had written to WODC and to Witney Town Council seeking information.


Field House – the refusal of the application was being appealed to the inspector and in summary the inspector will hear the appeal on documents already submitted and any further representations need to be in by 23rd May

16. Hearing Loop for Parish Hall- it was agreed that there should be an application for grant for a hearing loop in respect of both rooms. Martin Spurrier looking at grants

Nicky Brooks’ Party & Thank you – party has been organised and plaque was being ordered, the cost of the plaque being  £97 it was proposed and seconded and carried that it should be met out of PC funds. It was also agreed that the plaque should not set a precedent – it was agreed that the hall should not become festooned with memorials, pictures etc

18. Power Outages – PC will keep under review
19. Flood Prevention Grant had been applied for – see above.
20. Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern –  there was nothing brought to Pc’s notice
21 Date of Annual Parish Meeting 29th May  2024

Date of Parish Council Meeting and AGM 30th May 2024

22. Points of information – Heather, Graham and DP have organised seeding of verges with wildflowers on Barnard Gate road where Eynsham Park Estate have cleared out ditches