
PC Minutes 25th July 2024

Minutes Uploaded on August 11, 2024

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Thursday 25th July, 7.30pm at Village Hall
Councillors Present:
Lysette Nicholls (Chair) (LN) Dick Pears (Deputy Chair) (DP) Peter Grant (PG)
Caroline Auger (CA)
Caroline Gane (CG)
Jacqui Napier-Munn (JNM) David Auger (Clerk) (DA)
1. Apologies and Councillors and others present. Introduction to the conduct of meeting – no apologies received from the District Councillors or County Councillor or reports received.
2. Declarations of Interest – none.
3. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors – proposed CA, seconded CG and passed
4. Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern. This will not normally be minuted fully but issues that are raised and which the PC consider need to be looked at will be noted in the minutes and appear on next agenda. This is the only part of the meeting where members of the public are permitted to speak which will be limited in time and the Chair will determine how long each member of the public may speak for and each person shall not exceed three minutes – none
5. Payments to approve – £50 to WODC and £70 (mowing) (Peter McCulloch)
Balances as at 22/7 £14,487.62 and £5,443.55
Other payments to approve – £100 P McCulloch (mowing); £80 Mowing – approved proposed PG, seconded JNM – we had a payment that was presented after the agenda was published.
6. Updates and reports and or info

(1) Traffic Calming – has been approved with thanks to all at OCC + Dan Levy although still minor adjustments to be made.
(2) Shore’s Green – DP to re-jig document for issue to village as a whole.
(3) Shuttles cottage – enquiries been made for use of second entrance by the owners, now over to WODC
(4) Village Security Plans – no further progress JNM to contact Jackie J and Nick to come up with plan, proposal for cameras? Possible locations Church, Village Hall, Lymbrook Close, bus shelter? Neighbourhood watch not the answer, WhattsApp is used more.
(5) Hearing Loop for Village Hall – fixed loop required VH committee to choose, Martin S to apply for grants.
(6) State of Roads – LN & DP had fantastic meeting with Dan Levy who had a site visit, Highways engagement officer to come out on 2nd August. Thanks to Martin C for his hard work putting out sticks marking places of concern. Barnard Gate another accident, closing access from A40 still to be discussed with OCC. WODC safety inspection promised but not been done. High Cogges road repairs would only be done once flooding sorted.
(7) Parish Footpath Update – Darcy and Evadne thanked for work done with Eynsham Estate and Micheal Mason on clearing footpaths.
(8) Super User – Super users are allowed to mark around potholes after training, short circuiting fix my street – generally if the super user route is used the issue would be fixed in 7-10 days not 4-5 weeks when reported on fix my street. Proposal to approach Village to be asked for volunteer to become Super user.
7. Review of actions or discussions from last meeting –
Fly tipping notices – Signs arrived but smaller than expected, JNM to source alternatives, Martin S to erect signs that were delivered in suitable location at entrance to Barns Lane.

Progress of appointment of clerk – DA appointed
Update of flooding in High Cogges – LN, DP and CA had constructive meeting with High Cogges residents; proposal for contractor to come in to pressure clean, thanks to Mark Walker for recommending contractor – possible extra cost of £110 to remove waste after pressure clean. All costs to be met by residents’ consortium.
Flooding generally – OCC consultation, Dan Levy, DP and LN to walk round to assess, ditches and culverts which have not maintained for years. Thanks to Martin S for getting quotes for an expert assessment which would secure a grant from LFA at OCC, LN sent to WODC.
8. Report of Meeting with Michael Mason of Eynsham Park – DP had contacted Rowley Taylor of Savills re lease of the playing field and the map for permissive paths.
9. Report of Meeting with Cllr Levy re Flooding etc – see above
10. Planning applications – conditions etc to Shores Green construction – Condition 9 (Rights of Way), Response of PC by 30th July and Condition No. 23 (soils and agricultural land) by 12th August – lots of reports DP to distribute to PC members for reading through.
11. Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern – No councillors present and none raised.
12 Date of next Parish Council Meeting 29th August 7:30pm – CG apologies for next meeting
13. Points of information – DP to contact Dan Levy for meeting with Callum Miller MP and Charlie Maynard MP – mobile signal, Thames Water, housing building, railway – suggest 3rd week in August.
It is thought that WODC will bring forward the process for the Local plan and accelerate it – consultation period likely to be very short.