PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Thursday 26th September 2024, 7:30pm in the Village Hall
Councillors Present:
Lysette Nicholls (Chair) (LN) Dick Pears (Deputy Chair) (DP) Caroline Auger (CA)
Caroline Gane (CG)
Jacqui Napier-Munn (JNM) Peter Grant (PG)
David Auger (Clerk) (DA)
Dan Levy (District & County Councillor) Andy Goodwin (District Councillor)
5 Parishioners
1. Apologies and Councillors and others present – Carl Rylett sent his apologies. Introduction to the conduct of meeting.
2. Declarations of Interest – none
3. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors – Amend to August minutes – item 7. (3) DP emailed not met with Chris Weston (Thames Water CEO)
4. Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern. This will not normally be minuted fully but issues that are raised and which the PC consider need to be looked at will be noted in the minutes and appear on next agenda. This is the only part of the meeting where members of the public are permitted to speak which will be limited in time and the Chair will determine how long each member of the public may speak for and each person shall not exceed three minutes.
5. Politician reports – DP notes that Callum Miller (MP) does not respond to emails but the pressures on him in becoming a new MP was explained by Cllr Levy
with an assurance that the position would be soon rectified
6. Finance and payments to approve – as list in Appendix, Proposed JNM, Seconded CA, carried unanimously.
7. A proposal that South Leigh and High Cogges Parish Council (SLHCPC) supports the aims and approach of the Witney Infrastructure Neighbourhood Group (WING) in relation to proposals for the North Witney Strategic Development Area (SDA) as set out in WING’s report “North Witney Housing Development, Challenges and Interventions.” – PC asked to support WING’s proposal; Proposed PS, Seconded CA, carried unanimously.
8. Updates and reports and or info
(1) Traffic Calming – LN, DP & CA on-site meeting with OCC Friday 30th September to set up fake chicane to assess how it works. LN & DP impressed with OCC approach and cooperation. DP to email village re road closure 9:30 – 3:30 for chicane installation. Finalised speed camera design will be 2 colour and will carry data of traffic, it will be solar powered to avoid having to connect to electric supply, will arrive in approx. 4-6 weeks.
(2) Shore’s Green – lighting – 2 lights to be installed on slip road down from dual carriageway, required under traffic regulations, lights will point downwards to minimise light pollution and respect dark sky area. PS + DP to investigate further to assess, other conditions as previously agreed. Proposed PS, Seconded CG, carried unanimously.
(3) Thames Water – no progress
(4) Conservation Area – meeting with Phil Shaw (WODC) 23rd Oct
(5) Flooding – application for grant signed and to be returned to AGEAA. Thames Water attended area opposite pub but it is not known what work, if any, has been done. A plan is required to approach land owners concerning duties/responsibilities over flooding, DP to liaise with OCC to bring pressure bear for ditches and grips to be cleared. Dan Levy to progress with OCC. Land owners in High Cogges Road contributed to fund to pay for inspection. Inspection was carried out Monday 23rd, camera detected broken pipe under one land owner’s land, awaiting report.
(6) Village Security Plans – waiting for church and village hall committee to respond to cameras being fitted, JNM to re-send to CA as she is on Village Hall Committee.
(7) Hearing loop for Village Hall – awaiting survey; DA to contact company regarding survey, which they want to charge for, offering to carry this out if it is just taking of dimensions etc.
(8) Playground – awaiting to set up meeting with KW
(9) Local Plan / Neighbourhood Plan – delayed awaiting to discover what amendments to NPPF. Local plan is in “tilt” due to WODC not approving target numbers of housing, developers are appealing decisions and lots of appeals are going against WODC.
(10) Twelve Acre Farm Solar Farm – DP emailed but had no response. Dan Levy also emailed
and received no response, LP asked Dan to pressure.
(11) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – LP to submit PC response, closes tomorrow.
9. Reform of NPPF and Housing in WODC area and South Leigh in particular
10. Review of actions or discussions from last meeting – fly tipping notices have been put up. Tree planting process continues and trial chicanes were set up for a short period in two of the sites.
11. OALC Membership 2025/6 – has been agreed
12. Planning applications – conditions etc to Shores Green construction – retrospective planning application for access to Shuttles Cottage, architect advised planning not required, in fact planning is required. LN & DP met with owners, clear representation that new road of gravel was not going to be used to access which is not the case. DP objected to what was told and what has happened. However, suggestion was that the application was not opposed. Proposed CG, seconded CA, carried unanimously.
13. Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern – Dan Levy had prepared a report and this is a brief survey 1. Network rail have failed to meet timetable for Oxford Station so Botley Road will remain closed and temporary bus arrangements continue to operate and delays to consequent bus improvement schemes 2 . The start of the operation of the Park and Ride near Eynsham will be dependent on the receipt of money from Homes England and it had been built earlier because of trying to avoid inflationary costs should it have been delayed. When running it ought to ensure quicker bus services 3. The blocked gulleys in South Leigh are due to be cleared 4. Bus companies in Oxfordshire have agreed to combine ticketing with a maximum daily cap of £6.50 for adults and £3.50 for
under 18s and a weekly ticket of £25.00 and £14.50 – see
14. Date of next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 31st October 7:30pm
15. Points of information – significant number of rats have been seen on Barnard Gate Road feeding on corn/grain which had been spilt, corn/grain has now disappeared and rats have not been seen since.
Anybody who has chickens has to register them by 1st October.
Pub want to remind villagers that they get 10% discount, new villagers would be advised to show proof of address to claim as the pub are still keen to honour this.