27th June 2024
7.30 pm in the Village Hall
Councillors Present
Lysette Nicholls (Chair)(LN)
Peter Grant (PG)
Caroline Auger (CA)
Jacqui Napier-Munn (JNM)
Caroline Gane (CG)
Dick Pears (Deputy Chair) (DP)
Dan Levy (County Councillor), Carl Rylett (District Councillor), Andrew Goodwin (District Councillor)
1 | At the start of the Meeting LN Suggested and agreed to send thanks to the election candidates who attended the meeting prior to the PC meeting. |
2 | Declarations of Interest – there were no declarations of interest. |
3 | To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors – the Minutes were approved having been proposed, seconded and passed |
4 | Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern.
This will not normally be minuted fully but issues that are raised and which the PC consider need to be looked at will be noted in the minutes and appear on next agenda.
This is the only part of the meeting where members of the public are permitted to speak which will be limited in time and the Chair will determine how long each member of the public may speak for and each person shall not exceed three minutes Shuttles Cottage was mentioned regarding the two gates on to Chapel Road and that this was being picked up by LN and DP regarding planning etc. The PC believe that there may have been a breach by the owners of the understanding that had been reached between LN and DP and there maybe a breach of planning requirements. Both LN and DP will call the owners to a formal meeting.
5 | PC Business
Payments to approve – a list was circulated in advance of the meeting to councillors and the payments are shown below Schedule of Payments – Newsletter £370.14 Peter McCulloch for grass cutting £220
It was proposed that those payments should be approved and the proposal was seconded and passed unanimously.
Balance in community account £14,607.62 and in business premium account £5,443.55 inc £20.28 paid in on the 3/6 |
6 | Review of actions or discussions from last meeting –
(1) Village Hall Committee – New shed continuing. Issue with grass cutting particularly in advance of weddings. Parish Council is trying to source other grass cutters for the village hall in conjunction with village hall committee. We have a copy of the village hall agreement with the Parish Council which will be typed up and circulated.
(2) Playground Committee- surface and bins required agreed that the Solar Farm money could support this upgrade however this would need to be discussed along with other projects and would be looked at by the PC when they are able to do so. Mower sharing issues have been flagged by Playground Committee. We have a copy of the playground committee constitution which has been circulated. (3) Forest Restoration – This change of aims had been previously agreed so no action required.
All agreed that footpaths need clearing and PC will contact Eynsham estates and remind them of their responsibility.
7 | Accounts
Draft AGAR accounts have been submitted to the accountants and confirmation has been received. Accounts that have been submitted are being reviewed by the auditors. Web site notice boards have been updated and Notice of Public Rights has been published.
Nolan Principles Guidance – This was circulated to all councillors via email.
SLHCPC was successful in grant application for flood consultation to take place and the grant requires 3 quotes ideally to continue to the next stage
Clerk Appointment – Unanimously approved for David Auger to take over the role of Clerk. Agreed that this will be a paid Clerk position. |
8 | Village Security Planning – JNM spoken to several other sources regarding signage eg Village only combining with Neighbourhood Watch signs scheduling a meeting with TVP for other suggestions the traffic calming measures will also help to deter unwanted attention to the village. Update next meetings after TVP meeting with Jackie and Nick |
9 | Meetings with Parliamentary Candidates
The meeting was a great success and was well attended all candidates mentioned how South Leigh really punched above it weight to secure 4 of them so close the election. LN to send letter of thanks to all those candidates that attended and to DP for arranging |
10 | Roads
Traffic calming plans required a few minor adjustments and a further meeting has been arranged with OCC to discuss some of the points raised by residents. The safety audit had been circulated prior to this meeting. Potholes are still at an unacceptable level and will be followed up by LN with OCC. Meeting has been arranged with the Highways Engagement Officer.
Shores Green management plan has been received and a discussion regarding not using the village as a cut through for works vehicles and parking of contractors.
It is hoped the traffic calming project would have been implemented by the start of the SG works and once final plan is approved – this is still the aim and intention
11 | Hearing Loop – It was always the intention that the Village Hall Committee would decide how to proceed with the provision of a hearing loop (Wasn’t clear in April’s minutes). The PC approved previously they were keen for this to be provided and we know that we can get a grant. There are two options, fixed and portable.
This will now sit with the Village Hall Committee to decide how to proceed and report back to the PC. |
12 | Flooding DP and LN to meet with Dan Levy after election to discuss flooding in Station Road opposite the Masons Arms
Meeting will be arranged with High Cogges re ongoing flooding issues. |
13 | Fly tipping. Notices requested |
14 | Discussion on how our main expenditure as a Parish Council exceeds to the precept. (Please refer to item 17) This is not sustainable in the longer term. One cost that we can look at is the Newsletter. LN has asked for a review by Martin S to see how cost can be reduced without impacting on the distribution. The PC think that a paper copy is beneficial for the village and there does need to be 4 issues annually |
15 | Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern – There was no issue brought to PC’s attention or reports. |
16 | Planning application PC have received notification of application for release of condition 7 and 5 at Shores Green and have processed the applications and will refer to PC and village |
Summary of budget Expenditure of Parish council 2024/2025 main items with minor items not included
Grass cutting £3,500 Approx Clerk PAY/NI/Accountant £4,000 Approx Insurance £ 561 Approx Newsletter £1,250 Approx Playground Inspection £ 100 Approx Netwise-PC internet £ 600 Approx OALC £ 168 Approx £10,179
Precept. (£9,866)
18 | Local Nature Recovery Strategy
We did not meet criteria. We will be updated later in the year September and advised on criteria for next time
19 | Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern – none raised |
20 | Date of next meeting 25th July 7.30pm
21 | Points of information
Conservation consultant and Planning Officer walking around the village 2/7 11am and target looks positive by the end of the year.
Chase OCC regarding mowing of grass verges in some areas it very dangerous especially at night.
David Auger to take on Clerk role for the PC