
PC Minutes 28th November 2024

Minutes Uploaded on December 31, 2024

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Thursday 28th November 2024, 7:30pm in the Village Hall
Councillors Present:
Lysette Nicholls (Chair) (LN) Dick Pears (Deputy Chair) (DP) Caroline Auger (CA)
Caroline Gane (CG)
Jacqui Napier-Munn (JNM) Peter Grant (PG)
David Auger (Clerk) (DA)
Cllr Dan Levy 3 Parishioners
1. Apologies and Councillors and not present. Cllr Dan Levy present, Cllr Carl Rylett and Cllr Andy Goodwin were not present and no apologies received.
Introduction to the conduct of meeting
2. Declarations of Interest – none.
3. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors. Proposed DP, seconded CG, agreed unanimously
4. Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern. This will not normally be minuted fully but issues that are raised and which the PC consider need to be looked at will be noted in the minutes and appear on next agenda. This is the only part of the meeting where members of the public are permitted to speak which will be limited in time and the Chair will determine how long each member of the public may speak for and each person shall not exceed three minutes.
5. Politician reports – Dan Levy likes the traffic calming scheme that has been introduced into the village and will use as template for others, there is money in OCC budget for flooding and consultation on OCC budget is open for discussion. DP mentioned grips in Chapel Road point wrong direction, need someone to visit from OCC to discuss, Dan Levy said resources are tight but needs a better way of liaising with PCs.
6. Finance and payments to approve – See Appendix 1 – approved, proposed JNM, seconded DP, agreed unanimously. First part of payment to flood consultant now due, appointment with flood consultant 6th January 2025.
DA to chase new bank account as a matter of urgency.
7. Precept for 2025 / 26 – There was discussion about this – whilst an increase because of the way it was levied as part of council tax those less able to pay will not be significantly affected. It was not just that costs had increased but in the coming year there will be unusual calls for funding such as the revision of the neighbourhood plan. DP was also clear that with a small population and an even smaller number of volunteers most of whom were aging there needed to be a realisation that the PC had to seek advisers to protect and enhance the village and the village could not expect it to be funded by anonymous benefactors as it had in the past so an increase in precept by 10%, proposed CA, seconded CG, carried unanimously
8. Updates and reports and / or info.
(1) Traffic Calming – couple of signs have arrived, brackets arrived to move speed camera, 2-person job to move it, move for one month in each position. Informal Crossing at end of Lymbrook Close to access playing field – LN to chase James Wright for update on when. LN has had feedback from outside of the village expressing a liking for the traffic calming as installed.
(2) Shore’s Green – no update.
(3) Conservation Area – LN read out statement about its progress from the conservation area subcommittee DP to ask Heritage Consultant about payment so far – given that he has carried out work and not been paid since July 2021 by anonymous benefactors – proposed by CG and seconded by CG Statement Conservation Area;
Various meeting with WODC Presented our draft proposal featuring al the great historical natural and geographical features of south Leigh Excellent stills and drone footage Totally agreed with the logic of the proposal and agreed to now work with us to submit the formal planning in March Follow up meetings to capture images and more details helped by two residents. Now WODC agree in principle we will firm up the detail and finalise the submission document.

Our heritage consultant has been very good, and the team have worked incredibly hard to get to this stage. In February we will arrange a drop session here for anyone in the village to come and see the proposal. WODC will attend and answer specific questions. From there we will submit in March formally to the planning committee
(4) Flooding – LN & DP meeting flooding consultant 6th January 2025. Consultant will give high level view of areas to concentrate on, down to the PC to prioritise and action. High Cogges had report from camera visit, not spent all money collected, surplus has been refunded. It was found that tree roots going into the pipes were causing the issue, tree to be removed as it is dying.
(5) Village Security Plans – another theft in church, nothing taken from cash box, some churches have security cameras so not a total bar on fitting, church needs to take the lead but PC will support. JNM has self-adhesive camera signs which can be displayed on poles of street signs (can’t put on new ‘gates’) DP and JNM to work out where to locate them. One on notice board by church.
(6) Hearing loop for Village Hall – DA has contacted the contractor and now has all the information he needs to set up an account and book a survey, likely 4 weeks lead time for survey.
(7) Playground – new online bank account is now set up; LN, CG and Karen to meet in January
(8) Local Plan / Neighbourhood Plan – NB, KB and DH to do what they can but will need assistance from an external consultant.
(9) Twelve Acre Farm Solar Farm – email received saying that the site has been connected, the operators/owners are saying it hasn’t, apparently if it is humming it has been connected; Dan Levy to chase.
(10) Tar Farm Solar Farm – no updates

9. A40 Corridor – Eynsham P&R to Wolvercote public engagement – share on village email list, meeting in Eynsham 4th dec.
10. Parish Transport Representative (PTR) – CA volunteered
11. Conversion of DP private email list to village list held by PC (GDPR regulations) – LN is GDPR trained, aim to have up and running 1st January. DA to ask OALC for any information.
12. Coronation Community Orchard – in abeyance no land available
13. Leaf collection – village hall & green –quotes for grass cutters to collect leaves as part of grass cutting £75, agreed to add to contract; proposed CG, seconded CA, carried unanimously.
14. Review of actions or discussions from last meeting – MS and MK planted 35 trees today along Barnard Gate Road, 5 spare trees to be used to replace dead ones planted previously.
15. Planning applications – Shuttles – has had to go back to Planning because of planting schedule.
Mast at Lidl – DP wrote saying PC support this application (1) on the condition that the mast covers the parish of South Leigh and High Cogges and (2) that WODC in accordance with 6.13 of the local plan and Freshwave promote the site to other operators and (3) WODC work with SLHCPC to eradicate “not-spots” as the industry agreed to some years ago.
16. Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern
17. Date of next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 30th January 2025 7:30pm

18. Points of information – welcome 3 super user AT TL and CG – The PC
continues to liaise with WING which was established to coordinate the responses of local parishes around Witney to the proposals and options for housing development in the North Witney Strategic Development Area (NWSDA). WING has representatives from parishes (shaded green on the map) that are mostly, but not wholly, on the north of the Windrush and are seriously affected by limited access into Witney over the single river crossing in Bridge Street.
SLHCPC – 30th December 2024

Schedule of payments since last PC Meeting
Friday, 1 November 2024
Mrs C Auger + Mr D Auger – £204.00 HMRC Cumbernauld – £50.80
Thursday, 7 November 2024
APC Garden Service – £180.00
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Westcotec Ltd – £133.80