Present were:
• Nicky Brooks (Chair)
• Martin Wilson (Parish Councillor)
• Mark Walker (Parish Councillor)
• Charles Mathew (County Councillor)
The meeting was held via ZOOM – two members of the public joined.
- Apologies:
- Graham Soame (Parish Councillor)
- Eileen Mawle (Parish Councillor)
- Lysette Nicholls (Parish Councillor)
- Carl Rylett (District Councillor)
- Dan Levy (District Councillor)
- Declarations of interest: None.
- The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
- Matters of concern from Parishioners: Nicky Brooks updated everyone on the Tree
Planting Project. Martin Spurrier has written consent and has discussed locations with Chapel Road residents. He will be marking out the tree locations this week, for final consideration and approval ahead of planting in early autumn.
- Matters of concern from County Council or District Council: Charles Mathew advised that a budget is being discussed to cover the OCC deficit, although he is not aware at this stage what areas will need to make savings in order to cover the deficit. Charles will forward information relating to the A40 motion, and would like the South Leigh Parish to consider writing to the government to support the Windrush Against Sewage Pollution group (WASP).
- Matters arising from previous minutes not covered elsewhere: None.
- Constitutional Matters: All Parish Councillors to use the official Parish Council email
going forward.
- Financial Reports
a. Payments to approve:
- There will be a monthly outgoing to cover the Clerk’s salary, payroll set up
costs and National insurance.
- A request from the church to assist with half of the costs of the grass cutting
for the year, this will either be for 5 grass cuttings or a maximum cost of £500.
Clerk to write to the church to confirm.
- Financial – Accounts moving forward: a discussion regarding the Village Hall as detailed
in section 11.
- Mobile Phone Signal: Nicky advised that she is speaking with Robert Courts and hopes
to meet with him in October to discuss potential phone antennae. Dick Pears is chasing up the mobile phone companies and will meet with Robert Courts with Nicky. Charles Mathew happy to support as part of a coverage problem across the whole of the lower Windrush Valley.
- Facilities updates:
- The Village Hall: A grant has been received to cover 2⁄3 of the lost income. Nicky
Brooks to contact Richard Law to find out about plans to reopen the village hall.
- Playground: Karen Wilson is almost ready for the order to be placed for the new
playground equipment, having gathered ideas from the village children, and spoken with different companies gaining quotes, a preferred company was commissioned, and a final quote is expected in the very near future. The Parish Council is in support of actioning and approving the quote as quickly as is possible once received. The playground has now been reopened with signage in place on the entrance reminding users to wash their hands.
- Ditches and Verges: A letter has been sent to OCC to ascertain whose responsibility it is for clearing. Graham Soame is sourcing quotes for clearing. The blocked culverts at High Cogges have not been cleared, even though it was advised that the jetting had been approved. Write to Charles Mathew with details and he will talk to Head of Drainage at OCC.
- The Village Hall: A grant has been received to cover 2⁄3 of the lost income. Nicky
- Responses to Planning Applications: Shuttles Cottage second application has been denied and we wait to see if it will be bought up in front of committee.
- Items to Note:
- Footpaths: Landowners have been written to, to remind them of their
responsibilities to maintain right-of-way pathways through crops.
- Minerals and waste local plan: The final document has been delayed till 2021,
whilst there is no plan in place, anyone can apply for a site anywhere. Charles
Mathew to update at the next meeting once read through documentation received.
- CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy): To note that although it does not affect the
South Leigh Parish currently, to consider for the future, that WODC is not allocating
CIL monies for larger projects, i.e. Garden Village.
- Internet Banking: Current bank mandates out of date; Nicky will be delivering new
mandate forms to all Parish Councillors to complete in order to set up Internet
- Water Leak: The water leak on Station Road opposite the football field was repaired
but was back within hours. The Clerk has reported it to Thames Water, and
Highways, and will do so again this week.
- Footpaths: Landowners have been written to, to remind them of their
- Any other business:
- Nicky Brooks advised that new signage (left turn only) has been installed at Shores Green.
- Nicky Brooks advised that the August edition of South Leigh News will be out and will be a virtual newsletter only. A note will be added to social media and to the noticeboards once it has been produced.
- A discussion took place regarding the sub-committees, and their responsibility for actioning plans and projects once permission had been agreed by the Parish Council. It was agreed that at the time of decision the Parish Council would advise the sub-committee if it requires further agreement before commencement of a project. This will be documented within the meeting minutes. Sub-committees will be asked to submit their future plans for the forthcoming year annually.
- Date for the next meeting: 15th September at 7:30pm via Zoom
The meeting closed at 20:26