
Pc Minutes January Precept 2021

Minutes Uploaded on January 15, 2022


Present were:

Nicky Brooks (Chair)
Mark Walker (Deputy Chair)
Lyse=e Nicholls (Parish Councillor) Mar>n Wilson (Parish Councillor) Graeme Soame (Parish Councillor) Eileen Mawle (Parish Councillor)
Tammy Heavens (Clerk to Parish Council)

The mee>ng was held via ZOOM – four addi>onal members of the public joined.

  1. Precept:theforecastaccountsfortheyear2021/2022(seea=ached addendum) were scru>nised and discussed at length. A vote was taken to increase the precept by an average of £3 per household for this period. Mark Walker requested the precept to stay as it was. All other Councillors voted for the increase.
  2. ParishPublicRightsofWay:Wereceivedanemailfromthevillage footpath offices reques>ng the Parish Council to contact the local landowners re. repairing various styles / bridges. All listed were on land owned by Eynsham Park Estates and the Clerk will contact them. This item will be bought forward on the agenda un>l resolved.
  3. Resolu>ontoagreethesigningofthePlaygroundLease:Aresolu>onto proceed with the agreement lease for the playground between South Leigh Parish Council and Co=sway was agreed by all. The Clerk will contact Co=sway for the final copy for signature.

4. Datesforthenextmee>ng:19thJanuary2021at19:30 The mee>ng closed at 20:23

• • • • • • •

Addendum 1. Forecast closing bank account March 2021

Balance 30/11/2020
Less provi
Less recently written cheques

Forecast free cash at year end (see note 2)

2. Budget forecast income / expenditure 2021 / 22 Income




sions already agreed (see note 1)

Grass cutting – church
Grass cutting – village green HMRC June – November Payment to Clerk
Clerk’s costs (December – March)

-500.00 -900.00 -403.20

-1928.00 -1037.00



Unchanged precept 7343.00


1376.00 3110.00

Loan (see note 3)
Wages incl. all costs
Grass cutting – church
Grass cutting – village green
Grass cutting – football pitch
Rates, insurance, leases
Village hall rates
Village hall insurance
Parish Council insurance
Football pitch rent
Football pitch insurance
Playground lease
Playground inspection
Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils (OALC) Audit
Total expenditure (see note 4)

500.00 900.00 300.00

245.00 1050.00 384.00 500.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 140.00 200.00


if demanded if required

2909.00 9095.00

3. Forecast closing balance year ending March 2022

Free cash as at March 2021 brought forward Less budget deficit 2021 / 2022 brought forward Forecast cash deficit as at March 2022



3251.00 -1752.00

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4. Additional costs 2021 / 22 12346.00

Training for Clerk 500.00 Election expenses 500.00

Total extra expenditure 1000.00

orecast net position March 2022 (see note 5)


oes not take into account any unexpected or inc

remental expenses

5. Final f This d


1 Estimate for legal work re. football pitch lease

Balance at 30/11/2020 (£8216) less the costs that are still to be paid in this financial year ending 5/4/2021, i.e. £2000 + £1928 + £1037 = £3251

This figure represents half the loan taken out to pay for the village hall refurbishment. There are two

  1. 3  payments each year – one in March, one in October. When setting up the loan, it was agreed that theParish Council and the Village Hall would each pay half, the total per annum being £2752.
  2. 4  Final figure (-£1752) is the total of the precept (£7343) less the total expenditure (£9095)
  3. 5  The final forecast position is the forecast cash deficit (£1499) less the total expenditure (£1000)There is an agreement between the Parish Council and the solar farm developers whereby they will donate £40,000 to the Parish Council. This is not something that they have to do by law – it’s not a permanent structure so there is no S106 money or CIL (see explanatory note below) – but has come about by some hard nego>a>ng. However, for lots of reasons it is not definite – they could renege, they may not go ahead with the project, etc.

    S106 is a sec>on in planning law whereby a developer has to pay a set amount of money to an affected community. It is in the process of being replaced by CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) which has different rules. The solar farm is not considered to be a permanent structure and therefore neither of these apply.