Present were:
Nicky Brooks (Chair)
Mark Walker (Deputy Chair)
Lyse=e Nicholls (Parish Councillor)
Mar>n Wilson (Parish Councillor)
Graham Soame (Parish Councillor)
Mar>n Spurrier (to update on South Leigh Forest Restora>on) Dick Pears (to update on Mobile Phone Signal)
Gary Nicholls (to update on the Conserva>on Area)
Tammy Heavens (Clerk)
The mee>ng was held via ZOOM – Three addi>onal members of the public joined.
- Apologies: Eileen Mawle (Parish Councillor) Charles Mathew (County Councillor)
Carl Ryle= (District Councillor) Dan Levy (District Councillor)
- Declara>ons of interest: Lyse=e advised she would be standing for District Councillor for the Standlake, Aston and Stanton Harcourt Ward.
- The minutes from the previous mee>ng were approved.
- Ma=ers of concern from Parishioners: None.
- Ma=ers of concern from County Council or District Council: Nicky Brooks advised that Charles Mathew had a=ended a mee>ng the previous day regarding plans for the A40 Oxford to Eynsham Park and ride, the mee>ng didn’t not include anything rela>ng to Shores Green.
- Ma=ers arising from previous minutes not covered elsewhere: None.
- Cons>tu>onal Ma=ers:
- a) Tammy a=ended a workshop regarding the forthcoming elec>ons covering West Oxfordshire District
Council, Town and Parish Council and Oxfordshire County Council Elec>ons . No>ce of Elec>ons will be posted to the village website, Facebook page and on village no>ceboards. Applica>ons for anyone who wishes to nominate themselves to become a Parish Councillor can be collected in person from the Council Offices, or via arrangement with Tammy Heavens as she will hold applica>ons packs. If you would like an applica>on pack, please email Tammy at and she will be able to arrange to meet you or deliver an applica>on pack to you. Should an elec>on take place, this will be held on Thursday, 6th May.
- b) Nicky Brooks advised that the mistake in the Neighbourhood Plan referring to a B3 form has been corrected to a B8 form in all versions.
- a) Tammy a=ended a workshop regarding the forthcoming elec>ons covering West Oxfordshire District
- Payments to approve: Clerk’s Salary and associated costs for income tax, all within budget. Invoices received for OALC subscrip>on and from Walker Machinery for football pitch grass cuang; cheques to be raised.
- Conserva>on Area: Gary Nicholls advised that funding was in place for the next stage so a Heritage Consultant has been appointed, next month preliminary works will start with a visit to the village.
- Mobile Phone Signal: Dick Pears advised a mast is to be erected in Eynsham (O2) to aid signal along the A40 sec>on. Dick is s>ll enquiring aeer the possibility of a mast on the top of Oxford Hill. Dick Pears and Nicky Brooks are due to meet with Robert Courts on the 19th of this month.
• • • • • • • • •
- The Lymbrook:
- a) Flooding: Lyse=e Nicholls has with assistance from Charles Mathew escalated the problem with the
exposed drain by Gunn Co=age to OCC. Charles Mathew has also been assis>ng with a poten>al crack to pipework parallel to the road at High Cogges. Lyse=e Nicholls con>nues to discuss with Eynsham Park Estate over issues close to Shu=les Co=age. Mark Walker advised that he thought there was also an issue on the private sec>on of Shu=les Co=age. Lyse=e Nicholls con>nues to chase, although during lockdown she is unable to meet with the Council, owners or contractors.
- b) Pollu>on: Graham Soame has met with Rita Sawrey-Woodwards who will help with a more thorough way to check the pollu>on. Further Zoom mee>ngs are planned to discuss and arrange a plan, Graham Soame will put Katriona and Rita Sawrey-Woodwards in touch with one another, and we hope to be able to borrow equipment form Eynsham to help with our research. Nicky Brooks advised that her son, Ed, might also be able to help.
- a) Flooding: Lyse=e Nicholls has with assistance from Charles Mathew escalated the problem with the
- South Leigh Forest Restora>on: Mar>n Spurrier advised that trees have arrived and are due to be planted on Wednesday 3rd March this will be the end of Phase 1. Mar>n Spurrier asks for help from the villagers in iden>fying other areas for possible plan>ng. Mar>n Spurrier will contact Eynsham Estates to also try to iden>fy areas with them. Graham Soame advised that his wife, Janet, has seen some areas whilst she has been walking and li=er picking, and will discuss with Mar>n Spurrier. The Parish Council wishes to thanks Mar>n Spurrier and David Brooks for all their hard work to date.
- Facili>es updates: a) Village hall
b) Village green – we have been advised the current contractor will be re>ring, so we are looking to volunteers or sugges>ons for someone to cut the grass on the village green and the village hall going forward.
c) Playground
d) Football pitch. e) Bus shelter.
f) Postboxes. - Responses to Planning Applica>ons:
a) Gill Mill – this has now been approved.
b) Church End Farm – the Parish Council Submission has been incorrectly reported on the planningportal. Nicky Brooks will resubmit.
c) 62 Chapel Road – an applica>on to replace the corrugated shed with a building of the same footprintbut taller with slate and >mber. A vote was taken with all in favour of support to the applica>on. Clerk to write to planning office.
- Anaerobic Digester: Nicky Brooks is aware that there is consulta>ve documenta>on out at the moment that the Parish Council hasn’t been made aware of. Consulta>on is due to close within the next few weeks. Nicky Brooks will obtain the documents and send to Parish Councillor’s for their thoughts and comments by next week.
- Items to note: Nicky Brooks and Lyse=e Nicholls a=ended a mee>ng on Military Covenants. Monies are available to support military based projects. Nicky Brooks and Graham Soame a=ended the Eynsham Nature Recovery webinar and will a=end the next one. The Salt Cross Area Ac>on Plan consulta>on had finished and has gone to the inspector.
- Any other business:
a) Mark Walker heard from a colleague farmer that RAF Lakenheath were due to send all aircrae to RAF Fairford – there could be addi>onal aircrae noise in the area. Dick Pears suggested this was something he and Nicky Brooks could discuss with Robert Courts.
b) The Parish Council wish to thank Lyse=e Nicholls and John Ashwell for another wonderful village newsle=er.Date for the next mee>ng: 13th April The mee>ng closed at 20:29