
PC Minutes October 2020

Minutes Uploaded on January 15, 2022


Present were:

Nicky Brooks (Chair)
Mark Walker (Deputy Chair)
Lyse=e Nicholls (Parish Councillor)
Mar>n Wilson (Parish Councillor)
Eileen Mawle (Parish Councillor)
Charles Mathew (County Councillor)
Carl Ryle= (District Councillor)
Gary Nicholls (to discuss a proposal for becoming a Conserva>on Area) Mar>n Spurrier (to update on South Leigh Forest restora>on)
Dick Pears (to update on Mobile Phone Signal)
Rachel Murphy (to update on Church Green)
Tammy Heavens (Clerk to Parish Council)

The mee>ng was held via ZOOM – two addi>onal members of the public joined.

  1. Apologies: Graham Soame (Parish Councillor) Dan Levy (District Councillor)
  2. Declara>ons of interest: Eileen Mawle – Shores Green and Church Farm Mark Walker – Shores Green
  3. The minutes from the previous mee>ng were approved.
  4. Ma=ers of concern from Parishioners: Covered under the agenda items below.
  5. Ma=ers of concern from County Council or District Council: Carl advised that a full WODC

    Council mee>ng was to be held on Wednesday 28th October to discuss mo>ons that were in stages before the start of the pandemic. Carl Ryle= also advised that the new leader of WODC was due to be confirmed at this mee>ng.
    Charles Mathew advised that he was struggling to acquire any updated informa>on on Shores Green. Charles advised that OCC are star>ng to work out the budget for the money allocated from the government.

  6. Ma=ers arising from previous minutes not covered elsewhere: None.
  7. Cons>tu>onal Ma=ers: Nicky Brooks re-advised everyone that all Parish Council informa>on

    would only be communicated via their email addresses.

  8. Payments to approve: as per spreadsheet issued to Parish Councillors.
  9. Conserva>on Area: Gary Nicholls presented to the mee>ng an idea for taking the next steps

    in considering South Leigh becoming a Conserva>on Area. Gary Nicholls and the Conserva>on group would like to send an opinion poll to all South Leigh Villagers to get gather informa>on on their thoughts for the village becoming a Conserva>on Area, in order to be in a posi>on to present the outcome of the poll and present op>ons for the next stages to the Parish Council at the December mee>ng. Gary explained that to have full op>ons on the next steps, a Heritage Consultant would need to be appointed to advise on the best op>ons to be proposed. The Councillors debated over the informa>on given to date, and whether more informa>on was needed before an opinion poll should be sought. A`er which Nicky Brooks proposed a mo>on where that poll would go ahead but only a`er the poll and any covering le=er was approved by Parish Councillors. The mo>on was seconded by Lyse=e Nicholls, agreed by two further councillors. The mo>on was passed for the opinion poll to proceed under these guidelines.

  10. Mobile Phone Signal: Dick Pears updated that since the report he sent earlier in the month that an update mee>ng with himself, Nicky Brooks and Robert Courts and the heads of the mobile phone companies had been arranged for 19th March. The Parish Councillors are extremely grateful for Dick’s efforts and progress to date.
  1. The Lymbrook: Lyse=e Nicholls advised she has met with a representa>ve from the Eynsham Estates and walked the course and discussed the issues. Lyse=e has been assured that if evidence can be shown, then the Estate will look to remedy as much as they can, although any works will have to take into considera>on the possibility of moving the issue to another area and that there are some areas that will always flood. Lyse=e reported that that the areas by the Mason Arms which had previously suffered with prolonged flooding, seemed to clear quicker on the recent flooding ( 3rd / 4th October) thanks to the clearing of the areas by Mar>n Colle=.
  2. South Leigh Forest Restora>on: Mar>n Spurrier reported that holes had been dug for the 11 trees on Chapel Road and they will be planted next week. Nicky Brooks advised that one of the trees was to have a plaque installed for Phyllis Broom who has donated money to the fund.
  3. Church End Farm: Rachel Murphy advised that they were on plans for submissions. Once the plans were ready for submission she would advise the Parish Council, for further discussions. She thought that some form of planning permission would be required.
  4. Shores Green: Nicky Brooks advised that publica>on of informa>on for consulta>on has been pushed back to January. Mar>n Wilson and Charles Mathew both suggested wri>ng to the County Council with points that would directly affect the village and asking these to be taken into considera>on during the planning process. Nicky and the Clerk to dra` thoughts to pass to the Parish Councillors and then to forward to Yvonne Constance OBE, ahead of the report in January.
  5. Tree Safety: The chestnut tree on the roadside opposite the church with significant die back is due to be addressed within the next two weeks by OCC.
  6. Facili>es updates:
    a. The Phone Box: is no longer in-situ.
    b. Playground: the works are complete and the new equipment and safety flooring has

    been installed. Thanks to Karen Wilson for all her hard work in progressing this project to comple>on.
    Co=sway have been in touch with the Clerk and will be providing an update on the dra` lease shortly.

  7. Responses to Planning Applica>ons: None.
  8. Items to Note: Local Energy Oxfordshire(LEO)
  9. Any other Business:
    1. Mar>n Wilson advised that Ray Agg’s house in Lymbrook Close is suffering from Lymbrook bank erosion. Lyse=e Nicholls will contact Ray and write to Co=sway on his behalf.
    2. Mark Walker advised that the road between High Cogges and South Leigh is washing away and becoming dangerous. Mark will report via
  10. Date for the next mee>ng: 8th December at 7:30pm via Zoom. The mee>ng closed at 21:16