South Leigh Parish Council
Accounts for year ended 31st March 2021
Financial Statements to year end 31st March 2021
Each year your Parish Council is obliged to submit a financial report to external Auditors appointed by the Government who require certain financial summaries in a prescribed form independent of our actual Accounts. Whether a formal external audit is actually done depends on whether or nor our income or expenditure exceeds certain prescribed limits. These prescribed financial statements are derived from the Accounts themselves although it is the actual Accounts that are presented later to the Parish AGM.
Accordingly, please find below the year-end Reports and Accounts for the Parish Council, the sub-committees of the Playground, Football Pitch, Forest Restoration and the Village Hall. There is separately a report from the Village Green Committee – as they hold no money, there are no accounts.
These will be reported on at the Parish AGM on 24th May 2021 at 7:30pm in the village hall.
On completion of the Parish AGM the statutory documents will be published along with with a notice of public rights.
Nicky Brooks
Chair of South Leigh Parish Council
01993 701137 /
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