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Here we go with the fun and games for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee celebrations in the parish!
Our thanks go to the National Lottery Community Fund that is supporting our celebrations.
- From Friday, 20th May: Village decorations. We have 500 metres (!) of bunting for key points and all the recently painted bridges. Please call/text Martin S. to help put it up if you have some time. Maybe put up your own too?
- From Friday, 27th May: ‘Coronation’ themed Scarecrow Competition. Register by 26th with Cariline A. ( Winner announced on Sunday afternoon at VH.
- From Friday, 27th May: ‘Coronation’ themed bus shelter (Martin S/Heidie M). Take family photos with the newly crowned Queen on the balcony and inside Buckingham Palace! Kids can draw her in a picture gallery at the Palace.
- Thursday, 2nd June: Formal ‘Proclamation’ and Beacon Lighting starting 8.00pm. Free Pizza and nibbles at the Village Hall, cash bar.
Lighting of the Community Beacon at 9.15pm. (Liz A and Sue W). - Friday, 3rd June: Provisionally, a folk music afternoon or evening at the pub.
- Saturday, 4th June: ‘Coronation’ themed Float Parade starting 11.30am.
Decorate your cars, bikes, tractors or whatever else and pack the whole family in! Dress up as Queens, Kings, Princesses, Princes, Ladies-in-waiting, etc. Make a float if you have a trailer. Shout if you need some bunting. To start at High Cogges and go via Margery Cross, Station Road, Lymbrook Close, Just Cartridges, Margery Cross, Church End and to terminate at the VH. (Martin S).Free BBQ sausages and first drink then cash bar at the VH. Bouncy Castle*, for the kids, Splat the Rat, Table Tennis. Boule, Molkky etc. Village photograph. *To be confirmedParty at the Palace is on tv from 1 pm to the evening. We hope to have in on in the VH.
• Sunday, 5th June: 2pm Bell ringing at St. James the Great (Heather H), 2.30pm short out- door Celebratory Service conducted by our vicar, Rev. Simon Kirby, 3pm tea and cakes free at the VH. (Liz A and Sue W).
‘Coronation’ theme Quiz, 7.30pm, at the pub in the evening (Graham S).
- Later in the year: Cricket match SL v HC (to be arranged).
- Queen’s Green Canopy: Tree planting: Already started. All trees planted by the SouthLeigh Forest Restoration will be registered on the virtual QGC ( (Martin S)Contact details: Martin S. 07799368464 Caroline A. Programme subject to change.
- Watch the village website and social media or contact us.