Conservation Area Polling for South Leigh and High Cogges
Here is the result of the Conservation Area poll that closed yesterday.The question was:The result is:Yes: 106 (81.5%)No: 24For the record, the counting was overseen by District Councillor, Mr. Carl Rylett. A total of 130 people polled and there were no spoiled polling slips.The result has been made known to the Chair of the Parish Council and all Councillors. The Parish Council will now consider the result and advise the Conservation Area Working Group of the next steps in due course.
THE QUESTION: Do you support the Parish Council’s recommendation to submit the Conservation Area status application, as per the attached documents:
The poll has now closed.
All votes remain private and only the poll results will be shared.
Following recent discussions and comments the amended area for our Conservation Area planning application will be distributed to all in the village by the 15th October 2022.
The village poll will then open and closed again on the 30th October 2022.
If you have previously voted on the website please vote again given the changes proposed. Your vote will only be valid from the new dates.
If you polled at the bus shelter you may either leave your existing polling slip in place if you wish to maintain the same position.
However, if you wish to change your position, you may poll again as the polling slips will clearly identify this to the counters and the earlier slip will be destroyed.
Supporting Documents
NEW UPDATED DOCUMENT ….. Click Here > Conservation Area Application 14 October 22
03/09/22 Latest update from the Conservation Area Group
Conservation Area Final Draft
30th August Conservation Area Poll slip 3 Sept 2022
Note to Residents Conservation Area 30 August 2022
- All Parish Residents over 18 may poll.
- We need to ask for your contact details on the Polling Slip to ensure that there are no duplicate votes. Slips without this information will be considered spoiled.
- Your personal information will not be disclosed and you are protected by GDPR regulations.
- The Poll is organised by the Conservation Area Steering Group with the authority of the Parish Council.
- Voting Slips will be counted by an independent officer.
- The online poll will be counted by the South Leigh Website Webmaster and the results only given to the independent counting officer
CA Steering Group: If you have questions. We are:
Gary Nicholls 07920 771897, Martin Spurrier 07799 368464, Dick Pears 07850 175729
Love South Leigh
Conservation Area Bid
The Conservation Area Group (CAG) reported to the Parish Council at its meeting on 28thFebruary 2022.
Read the report Conservation Area Group doc 2
Download the History of our Conservation bid Conservation Area History of updates
Download the Independent heritage consultants report Conservation-report
Conservation Area updates, June 2021
We have taken the agreed next step in the possible application for Conservation Area status.
The Heritage Consultant, Graham Keevill, toured all the village on 13th April 2021 walking and being driven around from Tar Wood to High Cogges and everywhere in between. He was accompanied at various times by Graham Soame, Dick Pears, Martin Spurrier and Gary Nicholls.
After meetings and adjustments, his final report will be received shortly by the Conservation Area sub-committee and this will be presented to the Parish Council at its meeting in July. If the Parish Council approves it, it has been agreed that it will be disseminated to the village and a decision will be taken by the Parish Council, based on a final consultative poll of the village, whether to make an application to West Oxfordshire District Council for Conservation Area Status.
Dick Pears, June 2021
More useful information
We urge every resident to familiarise themselves further with Conservation Areas, the pros and the cons. Here is some relevant information from our District Council and Historic England: