26th October 2023
7.30 pm in the Village Hall
This meeting was preceded by the Parish Council AGM with that meeting having separate minutes
Councillors Present
Lysette Nicholls (Deputy)(LN)
Rita Sawrey-Woodwards (R S-W)
Peter Grant (PG)
David Auger (DA)
Dick Pears (DP)
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Apologies from Nicky Brooks who chaired the AGM but for family reasons asked LN to chair this meeting. District Councillors. Apologies from Carl Rylett; Dan Levy was present and had presented a report that will be summarised below. Introduction to the conduct of meeting |
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There were no Declarations of Interest |
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To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – a copy having been circulated in advance to the Councillors – Minutes approved by those present at that previous meeting. |
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Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern. The details are not minuted but noted. Martin Spurrier referred to the letter from Buckingham Palace and the agreement with the Village Hall Committee that it should be framed and put in in village hall. Potholes and the resurfacing of Chapel Road werediscussed with Cllr Levy assisting with the budgetary constraints. The water by Shuttles Cottage was thought not to be any leak but drainage off fields which dissipates quicker than it used to A Parish Council representative was needed for CoggesCommunity Charity – DP was volunteered. |
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Payments to approve – a list was circulated in advance of the meeting to councillors and the payments approved will be shown in the minutes of this meeting as a Schedule |
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Review of actions or discussions from last meeting – no issues from last meeting were raised. |
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Update on Anaerobic Digester – at the date of the meeting there was no date confirmed when the Lowlands Planning Sub committee would meet but immediately after, the report from the planning officer of WODC was published recommending refusal with the application due to be considered by the planning committee on 6th November |
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Update on Shores Green and the dual carriageway between Shores Green and Wolvercote and Traffic calming in village consultation. The PC continued to have regular meetings with OCC and there had been an amended planning application dealing with more tree planting and some changes to alignment of the road |
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Update on conservation area application– WODC had written a constructive letter pointing out their budgetary constraints but suggesting that there might be ways forward with more limited areas submitted for consideration and discussion over the funding of a consultant. The Steering committee of PC had responded constructively but had suggested that a short face to face meeting might assist. Dan Levy indicated he would try and assist to facilitate a meeting. |
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WODC local plan consultation and feedback from WODC meetings. There was discussion about the various scenarios in the local authority consultation. There was an account of the meeting that some Councillors had had with WODC and an indication that the PC would be submitting its views and there had been agreement with WODC that it would be considered after 25th October deadline |
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Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern. Dan Levy in his report dated 26thOctober 2023 (although dated 2022). He outlined the confusion in OCC administration and the breakdown in the relationship between Labour and the other parties in Oxfordshire Fair Deal Alliance; with Lib Dems and Greens now forming a minority administration. Dan Levy had been appointed cabinet member for finance and property in place of Calum Miller (who was now Lib Dem candidate for Bicester and Woodstock). He outlined the position that had been reached with the Electoral Commission with amendments. Botley Road will remain closed to cars until at least March 2024 whilst work on bridge continues. The Construction of Park and Ride at Eynsham is on schedule. As to Shores Green the process of purchasing land is progressing and “the traffic calming measures for South Leigh will be put in place as required by the parish Council.” |
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Planning – there is a further application for Field Housewhich the PC will consider |
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Traffic calming throughout the village – there had been discussion on the annual parish meeting on Tuesday with notes of the meeting prepared and as the report from Dan Levy indicated that traffic calming as agreed between the PC and OCC would be carried and it was indicated that it would be in position by mid 2024. PC would get greater clarification at next meeting with OCC.
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Grass cutting and budget – it was felt that a large amount of money was being spent on grass cutting. Village Hall Committee were not particularly happy with frequency of the cut or the liaison between hall and contractor. It was agreed that there would be an area on the playing field which would be roped off and the area within it be mowed with the clippings removed and clarity would be sought about how much extra that would cost. Despite notices dogs were still being walked off lead. It was explained that PC had limited power because there was no lease and Savills were not responding. |
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Salt boxes for winter – boxes are currently degraded – £250 per salt bin x4 agreed and salt/grit will need to be provided.(Note since the meeting there has been agreement to revisit this item.) |
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Village Records and Archives – storage and consolidation. DP said there was no real idea of the physical extent of the material not least because it was stored in at least three sites. He had spoken to Martin Spurrier and may be the first step was to assess the amount and catalogue the contentin perhaps abbreviated form |
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Playground representative on the PC R S-W agreed she would take on role |
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Notice Board Update – the coordinates were awaited but the board itself was ready for installation |
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Railway line – this had been covered both in the Parish Meeting and the Annual General meeting and it was hoped that there would be a chance for the village to hear from Cllr Maynard about it. |
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Date of next meeting 30th November 2023 7.30 village Hall |
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Points of information – There were none |
Schedule of payments – Item 5
Fri, 20 Oct 23
Fri, 20 Oct 23
Fri, 6 Oct 23
Tue, 3 Oct 23
Wed, 27 Sep 23
Tue, 26 Sep 23