Minutes 27th April 2023
7.30 pm in the Village Hall
Councillors Present
Nicky Brooks (Chair) (NB)
Lysette Nicholls (Deputy)(LN)
David Auger (DA)
Rita Sawrey-Woodwards (R S-W)
Peter Grant (PG)
Dick Pears (DP)
Subsequent apologies from Cllrs Levy and Goodwin
No attendance or apologies from Cllr Rylett
- Apologies as above.
- Declarations of interest – no declarations of interest.
- To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as being a true record of the proceedings – No observation – minutes approved.
- Opportunity for any parishioner to raise a matter of concern – there was discussion over the work being carried out on private land near the former railway crossing and concern about the chopping down of trees particularly of a seemingly mature poplar. There was then a discussion about encouraging wildflowers by having a suggested “no mow may” and it was agreed that R S-W would draft something to be sent out. However the PC recognized that the grass in the village hall and part of the playing field would have to be mowed so that the area was useable and there was discussion about how grass would be picked up and it was arranged that a cut should take place before the Coronation weekend. NB agreed to organise with Martin Spurrier who offered to assist with his equipment.
- Payments to approve – There was the payment of the grass cutting and the reimbursement of Martin Spurrier for the work on the housing and security for the generator and also payment of the electrician for linking up the generator to the village hall.
- Insurance renewal – that was renewed with the same cover as previously plus cover for the generator and there was discussion over cover for those working on behalf of the PC at the request of the PC in or on premises owned by the PC; DP would look at the wording of the insurance. However care was taken not to ask people to do work on behalf of the Parish Council to avoid issues with insurance.
- Update on Anaerobic Digester – DP and LN indicated that OCC Transport had lodged an objection to the AD with WODC and had concluded, inter alia, that “the A40/B4022 junction improvements will need to be operational before the impact of the development will be acceptable” and raised concerns that the “the operational start of your facility may coincide with when works will start as part of the wider HIF2 scheme to the Eynsham Roundabout.” DP summarised what the PC had done in raising concerns with the planners and with Acorn about how Acorn had proceeded with the application. Martin Spurrier indicated the work done by the pressure group – Stop the Witney digester – and on its behalf.
- Shores Green – NB outlined that OCC had decided to grant the planning application for Shores Green on 17th April 2023 with inadequate notice to the PC, based on an inadequate report and without any of the issues such a traffic calming that had been addressed by the PC in a number of meetings during 2022. A lot of work was carried out between 12th April and 17th April 2023 speaking to councillors, writing emails and drafting a formal notice of objection. Cllr Levy was extremely helpful, Cllr Enright was not. NB and DP attended the meeting at OCC on 17th Cllr Levy and NB were slated to speak but in the event the Chair of the Committee and the committee could see there were issues that needed attention and the application was adjourned unanimously for further discussion with the PC. The first meeting took place then in the boardroom of OCC, the second took place in SL village hall at 2pm on the day of this PC meeting with a walk around the village so that the planners would get a feel for the roads and the third meeting is scheduled for the boardroom of OCC on 9th May at 2pm. NB indicated that she and DP had a meeting with a parishioner who had had particular concerns about access through the village and he had agreed to put his thoughts on paper.
- Update on conservation area application – the PC had written to WODC on 19th April 2023 asking for WODC’s preliminary view as to how the application could be progressed and to have those preliminary views by time of this meeting – there had not even been an acknowledgment. DP and others had started making contact with solicitors who do public law work since this application could not be allowed simply to languish.
- Parking in Church End – there were two issues. A parishioner was concerned about general parking in Church End and it was observed that last Saturday there had been a children’s party in the morning, one in the afternoon and a funeral. There was a discussion about how that might be resolved with it being suggested that a member of the parish hall committee could approach one of the local landowners. The other issue was parking and access to houses on the village green. A map taken from land registry documents was produced as a photo on a mobile phone as to the ownership of land and references to easements across it. It was agreed DP would have a look at the documents when produced and try to set out the legal position before there was a detailed discussion of the issue which had caused upset recently.
- The Coronation and village events – Martin Spurrier outlined the planning over 3 days, the actual day of the coronation left free for people to watch on TV and he set out what was planned on Friday 5th May, Sunday 7th May and Monday 8th He had circulated the village and the PC with a flyer indicating all the events and timings and he said that 147 adults and 38 children said they would attend on Sunday and 142 adults and 31 children had indicated they would attend on Monday. There was appreciation of Martin’s efforts, spearheaded and organised with considerable effort and skill.
- Responses to any planning matters – Rear Extension at Raddlebarn ref 23/00783/HHD – all the councillors had studied the plans and there was no objection.
- Village Hall and Mason’s Arms to be approached re 20 mph advice/term in booking forms – John Ashwell would deal with the village hall issue – it was wondered whether there might also be some reference to respecting the verges.
- Date of next meeting – to be advised.
- Opportunity for any County Councillor and / or District Councillor to update the Parish Council on any matter of relevance or concern. No attendance and no report
- Report on the liaison between the Parish and the Parishes of Stanton/Harcourt, Sutton, Standlake and Eynsham PC – Nothing to relate
- AOB – Permission had been given by OCC to erect a further parish noticeboard in High Cogges and John Ashwell indicated that the battery for the defibrillator needed renewing and LN said that Cllr Levy had organised the cost of the battery for two other villages from his OCC councillors fund and suggested that DP approached him.