Present were:
Nicky Brooks (Chair)
Lyse7e Nicholls (Vice Chair)
Graham Soame (Parish Councillor)
Rita Sawrey-Woodwards (Parish Councillor) Dick Pears (Parish Councillor)
David Auger (Parish Councillor)
Melody England (Clerk)
The meeIng was held at the South Leigh Village Hall – two addiIonal members of the public joined.
1. Apologies: None received but no other officers were present.
2. DeclaraIons of interest: Graham Soame with regard to April Co7age. He had given advice in the past but not with regard to the current applicaIon.
3. The minutes from the previous meeIng were approved.
4. NoIficaIon of change in post box collecIon Imes, from 09:0 and 16:00 to only one collecIon at 09:00. It was agreed to write to Post Office requesIng 16:00 pick up instead.
5. Appointments of Melody England as Clerk and Tammy Heavens as Data ProtecIon Officer were confirmed.
6. Payments approved and in line with budget.
7. A40 ConsultaIon – Two Freedom of InformaIon requests have been sent to O.C.C. asking for detailed figures, firstly for the proposed Shores Green juncIon and secondly for the recorded traffic movements through the village; reply deadline is 1st week in September. It was agreed that if there is not a saIsfactory reply, we will contact The Press.
MeeIng has been requested regarding the possible closure of the Barnard Gate road to South Leigh.
Lyse7e Nicholls to invesIgate whether these proposed schemes have to be approved by WODC planning department.
8. ConservaIon Area, nothing new to report.
9. Mobile phone signal – Dick Pears to send all councillors a copy of NaIonal Survey to complete.
10. Lymbrook and polluIon – Thames Water are in the process of cleaning and repairing the sewage plant tanks. The works are due to conInue to the middle of September. Rita Sawrey-Woodwards raised concerns that this does not solve the problems of overflow and polluIon, larger tanks are needed. We are awaiIng a reply to previous enquiries promised by the 20th August. It was agreed that we would raise the ma7er of the larger tanks then. Rita Sawrey-Woodwards outlined high levels of phosphate and nitrate in the Limb Brook in the July water samples. She reported a7ending a Riverfly Project training day; skills can be applied to monitoring the Limb Brook. AwaiIng a complementary kit from Lucy Kennery.
Lyse7e Nicholls is liaising with four other Parishes, all with similar problems, it was agreed that we will act jointly to apply more pressure.
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Lymbrook and Nature – The Council have cut the verges and the Northern part of the Village Green, the Parish Council are concerned that wild flowers hadn’t had Ime to spread their seeds and several young trees/shrubs have been destroyed. Graham has contacted the contractors who have agreed to liaise with regard to Iming of future cuts. There have been sighIngs of mink in the area which pose a parIcular danger to water voles. Traps are available. The Parish Council is looking for volunteers to site traps on their land, training will be given.
11. Flooding – MarIn Colle7 has passed on a list of his concerns, Lyse7e Nicholls will acIon. Thanks were given to MarIn for his input.
12. FaciliIes – Playground – Rospa safety report received and forwarded to Karen Wilson. There were no major problems that the report brought to light.
Football pitch – we are looking for new contractor to cut the grass on an ongoing basis, quotes are being sought. In the meanwhile the PC would like to thank all the villagers who helped in keeping the grass to a reasonable level
Bus shelter – it was noted that it had been decorated to a Summer holiday theme.
13. Planning ma7ers – Tar Solar Farm – Jonathan Selwyn from Bluefield Renewable Developments Ltd. gave a presentaIon prior to them applying for planning. A copy of their presentaIon can be found here. It was agreed that the Parish Council will have further meeIngs and negoIaIons with them to ensure this will have as li7le impact as possible.
No issues were recorded for the applicaIons for High Cogges Farm and The Gables at High Cogges.
14. Speed Watch – to recommence in September, new volunteers are needed.
15. Boundary Commission – We are invesIgaIng the possibility of remaining in the current Parliamentary ConsItuency; meeIng to be held with Robert Courts in September.
Rita Sawrey-Woodwards requested extra waste bins for dog poo bags and general rubbish and that roadside kerbs are cleaned, Nicky Brooks to contact the WODC.
Green Week – Rita Sawrey-Woodwards to liaise with Eynsham Nature Recovery group and use some of our ‘green bus shelter’ informaIon.
Village Hall commi7ee has requested consultaIon with Parish Council regarding celebraIng the Queen’s PlaInum Anniversary in 2022. This was enthusiasIcally agreed.
Next meeIng: Monday 27th September at 19:30 in the Village Hall.p