…….a working party, that is! Join us to cut back new growth along short sections of our Public Rights of Way, to help keep these routes clear. Meet at the Village Hall on Saturday 2nd April or at the start of Moor Lane on Station Road (opposite The White Cottage) on Sunday 3rd April, in both cases ready for setting off at 10 a.m. prompt. You are of course welcome to come along on both days if you wish!
Simply bring along secateurs ( as we’ll only be doing light pruning ) plus garden gloves, and of course, be sure to wear appropriate footwear as it is likely to be wet/muddy in places.
We must stress that these are short leisurely (circular) strolls, as the aim is the cutting back, as well as appreciating the benefits gained from using our rights of way of course! We will aim to complete each session by 12 noon at the latest; the more secateurs there are at work will of course ensure we finish even earlier! In any case, if you can only spare an hour this will be a great help.
No RSVP—just turn up!
Anne and Russell Cherry, Parish Path Wardens