
PC Minutes September 2020

Minutes Uploaded on January 15, 2022


Present were:

Mark Walker (Deputy Chair) Lyse9e Nicholls (Parish Councillor) Graham Soame (Parish Councillor) Mar@n Wilson (Parish Councillor) Carl Ryle9 (District Councillor) Catriona Bass

The mee@ng was held via ZOOM – three members of the public joined.

  1. Apologies: Nicky Brooks (Chair)
    Eileen Mawle (Parish Councillor)

    Charles Ma9hews (County Councillor) Dan Levy (District Councillor)

  2. Declara@ons of interest: None.
  3. The minutes from the previous mee@ng were approved.
  4. Ma9ers of concern from Parishioners: Carl introduced Catriona Bass. Catriona is from the

    Eynsham Nature Recovery Network and she talked through one of the projects recently undertaken in Eynsham where three areas were highlighted to restore with wildflowers. These areas are in the churchyard, a sec@on of the playing field and some of the verges. Catronia advised there is already a group set up in South Leigh that may, with the help of the Parish Council, highlight areas where the village could plant wildflowers. More informa@on on the Eynsham Nature Recovery Group can be found here.

  5. Ma9ers of concern from County Council or District Council: Carl advised that some of the telephone masts in Eynsham are being upgraded so this may help to improve signal in South Leigh. Dick Pears advised that he is in communica@on with the CEOs of 4 mobile telephone companies exchanging correspondence and that he and Nicky Brooks are due to meet with Robert Courts in October to discuss further.

    Carl advised that the consulta@on for the area ac@on plan was due to close on the 23rd October and that further informa@on would be available towards the end of the year.
    Carl advised there was no further informa@on on the A40 works due to delays because of concerns from the Environmental Agency. A new team from the County Council is being put together, but no consulta@on period yet. To be kept as an agenda item, as we may wish to invite the County Council along to present to a mee@ng soon.

  6. Ma9ers arising from previous minutes not covered elsewhere: None.
  7. Cons@tu@onal Ma9ers: None.
  8. Payments to approve: None.
  9. Mobile Phone Signal: Covered in sec@on 5.
  10. The Lymbrook: Lyse9e and Graham walked areas of concern of the Lymbrook with John Hampton. The visit was to iden@fy areas that could poten@ally cause flooding, so that considera@on could be given for works to make improvements. Areas where banks have collapsed or need clearing were iden@fied. Further discussions with highways and or the environment agency are needed to explore what is possible.
  11. South Leigh Forest Restora@on: Mar@n Spurrier reported that the legal agreement has been received back from Savills (Signed on behalf of Eynsham Park Estate). Approval has been received for the tree site in Chapel Road plus addi@onal plan@ng at the entrance to Just Cartridges. Plan@ng is intended to start from the 28th September. News on the plan@ng at the football field is s@ll awaited. An applica@on for a grant from TOE (Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment) has been completed by Mar@n Spurrier and Nicky Brooks. It will be assessed

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and, if successful funds, would be available in December. Thanks from the Parish Council to Mar@n, David and Mike for their dedica@on and hard work on behalf of the South Leigh Forest Restora@on.

  1. Church End Farm: Carry over to next mee@ng when it’s hoped more informa@on would be available.
  2. Storm Damage and review of Public Tree Safety: The chestnut tree at Holyrood House came down and damaged some fence and hedging. The Walkers at Holyrood House are arranging repairs etc. A9en@on was bought to the chestnut tree on the roadside where it has significant die back; this has been reported to OCC and Charles Ma9hew is kindly progressing this on behalf of the Parish Council.
  3. Facili@es updates:
    1. The Village Hall: The Village Hall will remain closed for the foreseeable future in line

      with government guidelines.

    2. Playground: The deposit has been paid. We await installa@on. Mar@n advised the

      pieces of equipment that needed to be removed to make way for the new

      installa@on have been removed.

  4. Responses to Planning Applica@ons: Shu9les Co9age: Previous comments rela@ng to the

    Neighbourhood Plan s@ll stand.

  5. Items to Note:

a. Newsle9er: Lyse9e advised that the village newsle9er had been circulated via email, and social media, and the response received was posi@ve. Considera@on for further newsle9ers to be produced this way for the foreseeable future. Paper copies can be printed for any parishioner that wishes to have one (please email the Clerk who will arrange).

  1. Any other Business:
    a. Shores Green – to be added to the agenda for the next mee@ng.
  2. Dates for the next mee@ng: 27th October at 7:30pm via Zoom. The mee@ng closed at 8:58pm